Born in the deep dark trenches of Reddit, indie-pop duo Corgi began as a collaboration between Karen and Sink. Their second single “Ghost” is an orchestral, alt-pop, anthem about running from
one’s demons. It has garnered praise from music reviewers for it’s honesty, heart-pumping instrumentals and experimental arrangement.
With haunting sounds and a soft pop style, "Ghost" is an amazing song with genuine lyrics. The lyrics express how one is afraid of their demons and wishes to be brave enough to escape, and not be afraid.
The brainchild of an industrial designer and an animator, Corgi is a whimsical exploration of emotions and heart. Drawing inspiration from a wide range of genres --- from pop, to musicals to electronic tunes, Corgi explores pockets in time, and immortalizes them in music.
A band who has never met, Corgi stands with anyone who feels, just a little bit too much.
This is the second single of Corgi’s upcoming EP, which will be releasing mid 2021.