Interview & Photos by Emily Lopez
What cities are you most excited to play?
We’ve played almost all of these cities before, and we love playing them all. this is our first ever headline tour, though, so it’ll hit a little different.
Favorite thing about tour?
Seeing people react to our music. if our show can put a smile on their face, make them dance, or give them an opportunity to meet new friends, we’ve all won.
Any new music coming up?
Soooo much new music. We can’t wait to get it out. 2020 is going to be insane.
You have such a dream pop vibe, who inspires you?
80s/90s music and movies in general - they were just insane in those two decades. it’s probably safe to say things from those two decades totally shaped who we are as far as art direction and influences who we are as songwriters pretty heavily.
How would you describe your style and your songwriting process?
The bulk of our writing process is generally in Alan’s home studio. we’ll start with a voice memo of a hook to a song or just a melody or whatever and sort of go from there. we do melodies and overall vibe of the song together, but Alan usually handles the production side of things and i (steven) handle the lyrics. by the end of the process, we have a really good idea of what the final product will be like.
What message do you want people to receive from your music?
It probably seems cheesy, but we really just want to make people happy when they listen to our music.
What song has the most meaning to you?
“ease your mind” was a really cool one for us to write. it was kind of a turning point from a songwriting standpoint where we really started to feel like we’ve settled into a fresh new sound that’s still very true to us.
How would you describe your sound to someone who hasn’t listened to you before?
It’s fun and sad and happy and nostalgic and fresh. :)