The entire world has been subjected to leaders; those who are appointed to be in charge, to care for our world and to care for those that inhabit it but we all know that isn’t the case.
With their newly awaited Sophomore album, titled Armageddon, Between You & Me has released their fourth single and it has as much charge within the lyrics as the album title itself. ‘Change’ is a song unlike ones previously released but its message still holds its steady ground. The world in which we live in is rapidly declining and vocalist, Jake Wilson, depicts just that and how the one percent will keep themselves on a higher ground before thinking of helping the world and keeping it a sustainable place to reside in. Without change, our world's expiration date will soon be at our doors. The line, “the world just needs a leader, an optimistic believer” encapsulates that exact notion of needing someone to actually take charge.
In previous interviews, Jake has said that this isn’t a pandemic record and now listening to this one track it is clear that this record isn’t just another release under the guise of the pandemic. It’s a record of worldly understanding whether it be with the world in itself or within our own lives and relationships. When it comes to this song and the state of our world, this isn’t the first fumble our leaders have gone through. The discussion on climate change is one to not be ignored. It is one that is scientifically proven and yet swept under the rug. “It feels so temporary, stuck in the clouds, when did she get so heavy? I guess karma comes around.” ‘Change’ is the record that solidifies the ground on which we stand on and how more needs to be done in order for us to survive. It’s not just another pop punk track on another album, it’s a track that needs to be heard and taken in with deep consideration. All we have in this world is each other and to let it go to waste in front of our very eyes is and will be our downfall within the human race. “Hey, maybe we messed up somewhere along the way”, is one of the lines that needs to be screamed out in order to be felt.
Don’t sweep this song and this band under the rug, they’re just getting started. Come November 19, 2021, we’ll have Between You & Me’s sophomore record but in the meantime to catch up with the band their socials are: @BYAMAUS