Wind Meets West & Saenabi release their new song "STAY FRIENDS!"
"STAY FRIENDS was written when we felt most alone last year, we started missing the friends on the periphery, on the fringes of our social sphere. We imagined the moment when you stare at your phone, debating how to reconnect. We realized that friendship breakups can be just as hard as romantic breakups. When two lives diverge, there is a crossroads where you must decide whether to continue to stay friends." -Wind Meets West & Saenabi
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/6XAWD6SHM0gcRz0wgzz9Fu?si=mXwsjQ8VR_exRrHzVV9ytA&dl_branch=1
Multiple Streaming: https://listen.windmeetswest.com/stayfriends
Music Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mO1NZpO5zk